A Quick Way to Support the Django Software Foundation... Without Much Work

Do you buy things on Amazon? Want to support the Django Software Foundation? There's an way to do so that not everyone knows about, using Amazon Smile.

by flipperpa on Nov. 11, 2019, 3:02 p.m.

Python Django How-To

Amazon Smile is a program from Amazon that allows you to donate 0.5% of every Amazon purchase to a charitable cause of your choice. If you're like me, that $1 out of every $200 spent adds up to be quite a bit over the course of a year.

To set your Amazon Smile charity to be the Django Software Foundation, log in to Amazon, then visit this link:


Then click the Select button next to Django Software Foundation.

The donation is only triggered if you remember to visit the smile.amazon.com URL rather than the main Amazon website. If you're like me, and frequently forget, there are handy browser plugins which will automatically redirect you to the Smile website instead of the main Amazon site.

Smiley for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/amazon-smiley/

Smile Always for Edge and Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/smile-always/jgpmhnmjbhgkhpbgelalfpplebgfjmbf

KeepOnSmiling for Safari: https://distrustsimplicity.net/articles/keep-on-smiling/